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Night's Illusion Page 25

  When she’d bought everything she needed, he made a quick trip through the men’s department and then they went up to the third floor in search of a wedding dress. Giovanni found a place to sit and left Cassie to it.

  An hour later she hurried toward him, a smile on her face, a garment bag over her arm.

  “I guess you found one you liked.”

  “It’s dreamy! I can’t wait to wear it.”

  He waggled his eyebrows at her. “I can’t wait to see you in it. Next stop, city hall.”

  * * *

  Cassie blew out a sigh as they left city hall, marriage license in hand. Looking up at Johnny, she said, “Just think, in a few hours we’ll be married. Can you believe it?”

  “Not really,” he said, chuckling. “I keep waiting to wake up in my old lair and discover that meeting you was nothing more than a dream.”

  “Except vampires don’t dream,” she reminded him. “So I must be real.”

  His gaze caressed her as he murmured, “Thank the good Lord.”

  * * *

  Back at the hotel, Cassie called room service and ordered steak and lobster for dinner. While waiting, she took a long, hot shower. It was really happening. She was going to marry Johnny. She felt as if she was smiling inside and out.

  She turned off the water, stepped out of the stall to dry off, then slipped into one of the fluffy hotel bathrobes and padded into the other room.

  Johnny kissed her as he passed her on his way into the bathroom. “Your dinner is here.”

  She ate while he showered, wondering if the whole family would show up for the wedding on such short notice. Of course, traveling a few hundred miles was no hardship for Mara and the others. All they had to do was think themselves wherever they wanted to be and voilà! They were there. No doubt they saved tons of money on gas and airfare, she mused with a grin.

  Thinking of Mara and the family brought Alric to mind. He really was a monster. Had he been cruel and inhuman before he was turned? If she let Johnny turn her one day in the future, would she still be Cassie? Or would she be transformed into a vile creature like Johnny’s sire?

  After setting her plate on the side table, she went to look out the window. She knew Johnny had killed people. Mara certainly had. What about the others?

  She smiled as Johnny came up behind her. Slipping his arms around her waist, he nuzzled her neck. “What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing important.”

  “That’s not the feeling I’m getting.”

  “I was thinking about vampires.”

  He grunted softly. “What about them?”

  “Did it change you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  She turned to face him. “When people are turned, do they change? I don’t mean just the transformation from human to vampire. I mean, does it change who they are.”

  “Generally speaking, no.”

  “So, Alric was a horrible person before he became a vampire?”

  “I didn’t know him before, but I would venture to say yes. Although even vampires change. Mara has certainly mellowed since I first met her. Granted, most vampires take a life at some point or other, usually to defend themselves or someone they love. There are those few people who are turned and can’t handle the transformation. Some become drunk with power. Some destroy themselves. But on the whole, people stay true to what they were before—good or bad.” He chuckled softly. “This is a heck of a conversation to be having on our wedding night.”

  “I know but . . . it’s something I need to know.”

  “I can understand that.” He glanced at the window. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready? It’s almost time to go.”

  “You’re right. I love you, Johnny.”

  “And I love you. Now scoot, love. We don’t want to be late!”

  Chapter 47

  Cassie stood in the bride’s dressing room, attended by Mara and Brenna. Standing in front of a full-length mirror, she could only stare at her reflection. For the first time in her life, she felt beautiful. She had chosen an off-the-shoulder gown of silk and lace, with a fitted bodice and a long skirt that flared at the bottom. The matching veil trailed behind her.

  “Your face is practically glowing,” Mara remarked.

  “It’s Johnny,” Cassie said, smiling. “He makes me happy.”

  “And he’s crazy about you,” Brenna said. “Anyone can see that.”

  “It’s time,” Mara said. “Are you ready?”

  Suddenly too nervous to speak, Cassie nodded.

  Brenna went to get Derek.

  A moment later, he poked his head in the door. “Everybody ready?”

  “Let’s go,” Mara said, leading the way to the chapel.

  It was a lovely room. The walls and chairs were white, the floor dark oak. Wrought-iron sconces adorned the walls. Two steps led to the altar. Trees and greenery were visible through the four windows behind the altar.

  The family sat in front—Abbey Marie, Nick, Sheree, Brenna, Roshan, Vince, and Cara on one side of the aisle, Rafe, Kathy, Pearl, Edna Mae, and James on the other. Even Rane and Savannah were there, having come home early from Italy for the occasion. Cassie smiled, thinking it was nice that some of their guests had chosen to sit on the bride’s side, since she had no family of her own there. She was surprised—and touched—to see Edna Mae sitting next to Pearl. It couldn’t be easy for Edna attending a wedding after so recently losing her own husband.

  Johnny and Logan stood to the right of the alter, both looking extremely handsome in black Hugo Boss suits.

  As the music started, Mara, clad in an exquisite floor-length, green silk gown, started down the aisle.

  Johnny winked at Cassie when he saw her.

  Heart pounding with excitement, she winked back.

  Butterflies took wing in the pit of her stomach as she placed her hand on Derek’s arm and followed Mara down the aisle. When Derek placed her hand in Johnny’s, Cassie forgot anyone else was in the room. Tears of joy stung her eyes as Johnny repeated the vows that made him her husband.

  Her voice trembled as she repeated her own vows. Johnny smiled at her, his hands squeezing hers as she promised to love him for as long as they lived.

  “Cassandra and Giovanni, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the minister intoned. “Mr. Lanzoni, you may kiss your bride.”

  “Everlastingly mine,” Johnny murmured as he lifted her veil and took her in his arms. His kiss was gentle, almost reverent, filled with the promise of forever.

  The family crowded around afterward, exchanging hugs and kisses and congratulations.

  They had decided to forego any kind of reception and celebrate at the casino in their hotel. Two limos awaited them outside—one for the bride and groom, and a stretch limo for the guests.

  * * *

  Johnny reached for Cassie as soon as the driver closed the door. Taking her in his arms, he murmured, “Come here, Mrs. Lanzoni.”

  She lifted her face for his kiss, one hand sliding around his neck, her fingers delving into his hair.

  He nibbled on her earlobe, then slid his hand under her skirt to skim her thigh. “What do you say we skip drinks at the casino and go straight to our room?”

  “That would be terribly rude, wouldn’t it?” she asked breathlessly.

  “I think they’ll understand.” His gaze burned into hers as he lowered her onto the seat, his hands cupping her cheeks as he covered her mouth with his in a searing kiss that made her toes curl in anticipation.

  * * *

  Mara laughed softly. “I’m afraid the bride and groom aren’t going to make the party.”

  “Are you surprised?” Logan asked. “The looks he was giving her at the altar were so hot, I thought the chapel might go up in flames.”

  “She’ll be good for him,” Brenna predicted.

  “And he for her,” Roshan said. “Like you are for me.”

  “Well, I’m happy for them,” Vince said, hugging Cara. “I just hope they’ll be as
happy as we are.”

  “As I was,” Pearl said, blinking back her tears.

  Edna Mae gave her friend’s hand a sympathetic squeeze. “We all wish Monroe was here.”

  “I don’t mean to spoil the party,” Derek said, drawing Abbey Marie against his side. “But Alric’s in town.”

  Mara’s gaze snapped to her son. “How do you know?”

  “Trust me, I know. The werewolf never forgets a scent. Or a taste.”

  “Is he alone?” Logan asked.

  “As far as I can tell. He has a talisman of some kind to shield his presence.”

  “Then how do you know he’s here?” Abbey Marie asked, frowning.

  “Whatever the magic is that he’s using, it doesn’t work on werewolves.”

  “I hope he is here,” Pearl said. “I won’t rest until my Monroe has been avenged.”

  Mara shook her head as she stared out the window. “That’s what started this whole mess in the first place,” she reminded them. “Alric’s need for vengeance.”

  “You avenged yourself on the man who turned you,” Pearl said, her voice sharp. “Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it.”

  “And I’d do it again,” Mara said, her voice icy. “I’m just saying the stakes are higher this time. It isn’t just a fight between Alric and myself. It involves the whole family now.”

  “Are you saying we should give up?” Pearl asked. “Just quit and let him win?”

  “He hasn’t won yet,” Logan reminded her.

  “And he won’t.” Mara’s voice was quiet, but it held a layer of steel underneath. “I have a plan to end this once and for all. Brenna, Derek, this is what we’re going to do.”

  Chapter 48

  Cassie’s heart pounded with excitement as they entered the hotel. Several people smiled at them as they crossed the lobby, a few called out their congratulations. She laughed as an older man simply shook his head.

  Hand in hand, they took the elevator up to the fourth floor. Cassie let out a startled gasp when Johnny swung her up into his arms and carried her down the hallway. Holding her close, he unlocked the door and carried her inside. Still holding her in his arms, he rained kisses on her cheeks, her brow, her lips, before setting her on her feet.

  Stifling a grin, Cassie said, “So, Mr. Lanzoni, what would you like to do now?”

  He frowned at her a moment, and then he laughed. “I’m not sure, Mrs. Lanzoni. What would you like to do now?”

  She faked a yawn behind her hand. “I’m awfully tired. Maybe we should just go to bed.”

  “I think that’s the best idea you’ve ever had,” he agreed with a roguish grin.

  And the next thing Cassie knew, she was naked in bed in Johnny’s arms.

  “Do you have any idea how much I love you?” he murmured as his hand feathered up and down her thigh.

  “Show me,” she whispered.

  Giovanni’s gaze bored into hers. “This is the happiest night of my life, Cassie,” he whispered fervently. “Thank you for loving me.”

  “Oh, Johnny, I love you, too! More than I can say.”

  Lowering his head, he nuzzled the side of her neck as his hands moved lightly over her body, exploring every hill and hidden valley, lingering on her breasts. He watched the play of emotions on Cassie’s face as he aroused her, still amazed at the wonder and beauty of making love to her. His for now and, hopefully, for always.

  Cassie responded in kind, her eager hands performing an in-depth study of their own. His body was hard and unyielding where hers was soft, and she gloried it in. She loved caressing him, hearing him gasp with pleasure at the touch of her hands. He was hers now, only hers. And she was his. The thought filled her with a sweet sense of belonging. Of coming home.

  His eyes were hot, tinged with red, when he rose over her. “Mine,” he whispered softly as his body melded with hers.

  Smiling up at him, she touched his cheek as her body welcomed his. “Mine.”

  * * *

  Alric sat at the roulette table, easily winning time and again as he mentally manipulated the wheel’s outcome. He had tracked the woman, Cassie, to the hotel. He wasn’t worried about the vampires as long as he stayed out of their sight, since his scent was masked by a talisman given to him by the witch they had killed. It was time to end this farce once and for all.

  His fledgling might think himself safe in the suite upstairs, but a hotel room was not a home and the threshold had no power to repel him. He would bide his time until the priest and the woman were asleep and then, at last, he would have at least some measure of revenge. And if he was lucky, he might avenge himself on Mara, as well.

  He smiled as his number came up yet again. Whatever happened, he was going to leave here a wealthy man.

  * * *

  It was an hour before dawn when Giovanni slipped quietly out of bed. After pulling on a pair of trousers, he padded into the living room, only to pause when he saw Mara and the family. “What the hell are you all doing here?”

  “Hopefully setting a trap for Alric,” Mara replied.

  “He’s here?”

  “Derek caught his scent.”

  Giovanni glanced at the wolf sitting beside her. The rest of the family perched on the sofa and chairs or made themselves at home on the floor. They were all here, still wearing the clothes they’d worn to the wedding. “So, what’s the plan?”

  “You’re going to go downstairs and wander around, pull the slots, whatever. Just be sure he sees you. If he comes upstairs, as we think he will, I’ll call you.”

  Giovanni shook his head. “Even if you’re right and he comes here after Cassie, once he catches sight of you, he’ll grab her and transport himself out of here before you can stop him. You know that.”

  “That’s where Brenna comes in. She has a spell that will prevent him from leaving once he’s inside the room.”

  “How do you know it will work?”

  “Try it.”

  Giovanni summoned his power and attempted to vanish from the room. When he couldn’t leave, he tried to dissolve into mist, but that, too, failed. “That’s damned impressive.” He smiled at the witch. “I’m glad you’re on our side.”

  “It’s taken me years to perfect. I always knew it would come in handy one day.”

  “There’s just one other thing. He’s bound to sense you’re all in here, waiting for him.”

  Roshan smiled at his wife. “Brenna’s taken care of that, too,” he said, his voice laced with pride. “We’ll be outside, on the balcony. He’ll never know we’re there.”

  “What about Cassie?” Giovanni asked. “We should tell her what’s going on.”

  Mara shook her head. “Not a good idea. There’s too great a chance of Alric reading her mind and discovering what we’re up to.”

  “I don’t like it,” Giovanni muttered. But Mara was right.

  “This will be a battle to the death,” Logan remarked. “And it might be our last, best chance to take him out.”

  “Just remember he’s mine,” Giovanni said flatly. “Don’t get in my way.”

  Mara nodded. “Don’t worry. We’re just here for backup. If you can’t defeat him, it will be my turn.”

  “And if she fails, the rest of us will take him out,” Nick said, his expression grim.

  “One way or another,” Mara said. “Alric dies tonight.”

  * * *

  Giovanni strolled through the casino. He had no sense of Alric’s presence, but he knew he was being watched. He played a couple hands of blackjack, spent a few minutes at the craps table. He’d just taken a seat in front of a slot machine when the feeling disappeared.

  Moments later, he heard Mara’s voice in his mind. He’s at the door.

  I’m on my way. Not caring whether anyone saw him or not, he transported himself to the fourth floor in less than a heartbeat. Dissolving into mist, Giovanni arrived in the hallway just in time to see Alric transform himself into mist and slip under the narrow crack at the bottom of the door.

>   Resuming his own shape, Giovanni pushed the door open and stepped inside. The spell that masked Alric’s scent didn’t prevent him from being seen.

  Alric spun around to face Giovanni. “Just the man I was looking for,” he said, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.

  “Let’s finish this. Now.” Without giving Alric time to respond, Giovanni sprang forward, his hands reaching for the other vampire’s throat.

  But Alric was quick. Avoiding Giovanni’s grasp, he darted past him, turned on his heel, and slammed his locked fists into the base of Giovanni’s neck.

  Giovanni stumbled forward, his thigh connecting with a table as he whirled around.

  Alric sneered at him. “You’re dead.”

  Giovanni snorted. “So are you, but I intend to make it permanent in your case.”

  Alric flew across the room, arms outstretched, hands like claws. Giovanni met him halfway. Grappling for purchase, they rocked back and forth until Giovanni twisted out of Alric’s grip and drove his fist into the other vampire’s face.

  Alric reared back just as Cassie, clad in a short robe, stepped out of the bedroom. Before she realized what was going on, Alric sprang forward, grabbed a fistful of her hair with one hand and wrapped his other hand around her throat.

  Giovanni let out a roar as Alric held her in front of him like a shield.

  “Say good-bye to the pretty lady,” his master said.

  “Let her go, you coward!” Giovanni snarled. “This is between you and me.”

  “The spoils of war,” Alric gloated. “Tonight, she’ll be mine.”

  “Damn you!” Giovanni took a step forward, only to stop when Alric bared his fangs and leaned over Cassie’s neck. “Do you want to watch?”

  “Let her go,” Giovanni said. “Take my life if that’s what you want. I won’t fight you. Just let her go.”

  “Johnny, no!”

  “It’s all right, cara. What do you say, Alric? Me for her.”

  “It’s tempting,” the vampire said. “But I think not. Once she’s turned, I’ll come back for you. Bye, now.” Power flooded the room as he tried to transport himself and Cassie out of the building.